# Blosxom Plugin: entries_cache -*- perl -*- # Author(s): Fletcher T. Penney <http://fletcher.freeshell.org/> # Modified by Steve Schwarz <http://agilitynerd.com/> # Version: 0.92 # Based on entries_index by Rael Dornfest # Documentation help contributed by Iain Cheyne package entriescache; # --- Configurable variables ----- $delay = 0; # How many minutes delay before entries are re-indexed? # Set to 0 to force reindexing everytime - this # will provide the same behavior as Rael's # entries_index. Though, I am not sure why one # would do this. At least use a small cache time to # improve performance.... # SAS - I set this to zero so comments and new files # are immediately visible. $indexname = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.entries_cache.index"; $others_indexname = "$blosxom::plugin_state_dir/.entries_cache.others"; $use_date_tags = 1; # Set to 1 to enable parsing meta- keywords # for date tags $use_UK_dates = 0; # Default is mm/dd/yy (US) # Set to 1 to use dd/mm/yy (UK) $update_meta_date = 0; # Add a meta_date tag if it doesn't exist # This will require that perl has write access to your story files # and that you are using the meta plugin. # NOTE: As of version 0.91, you do not NEED the meta plugin... # Be sure to save your text files with UNIX line endings # (any decent text editor should be able to do this) or use the blok # plugin (http://www.enilnomi.net/download.html#blok). # There is some logic in entries_cache to fix this, but do not rely # on it. # Lastly, make sure there is at least one blank line between the # entry title and the body. Again, there is some logic in # entries_cache to fix this, but do not rely on it. # The default meta-keywords are compatible with Eric Sherman's # entries_index_tagged defaults: # http://primitiveworker.org/blo.g/development/blosxom/entries_index_tagged/ $meta_timestamp = "meta-creation_timestamp:" unless defined $meta_timestamp; # timestamp_tag is the non-human readable date stamp format # used by entries_index, entries_cache, entries_index_tagged, # and blosxom $meta_date = "meta-creation_date:" unless defined $meta_date; # date_tag is a human readable version $strip_meta_dates = 1; # Strip meta-tags from story so that # they are not displayed. Unnecessary if you are running the # meta plugin. $debug = 0; # Debugging flag # -------------------------------- use File::stat; use File::Find; use CGI qw/:standard/; use Time::Local; my $time = time(); my $reindex = 0; sub start { # Force a reindex $reindex = 1 if (CGI::param('reindex')); return 1; } sub entries { return sub { my(%files, %indexes, %others); # Read cached index if ( open CACHE, $indexname) { while ($line = <CACHE>) { # Improved backwards compatibility with entries_index if ($line =~ /\s*'?(.*?)'?\s*=>\s*(\d*),?/) { $files{$1} = $2; } } close CACHE; # See if it's time to reindex $reindex = 1 if ( stat($indexname)->mtime lt ($time - $delay*60) ); } else { # No index found, so we need to index $reindex = 1; } # Read cached others index if ( open CACHE, $others_indexname) { while ($line = <CACHE>) { # Improved backwards compatibility with entries_index if ($line =~ /\s*'?(.*)'?\s*=>\s*(.*),?/) { $others{$1} = $2; } } close CACHE; # See if it's time to reindex $reindex = 1 if ( stat($others_indexname)->mtime lt ($time - $delay*60) ); } else { # No index found, so we need to index $reindex = 1; } # Perform reindexing if necessary # This code was originally copied from entries_index by Rael Dornfest # Check to see if previously indexed files exist, and then rescan # the datadir for any new files, while preserving the old times # Static mode requires some of the code in this section, and the # speed hit is unimportant for static blogs if ($blosxom::static_or_dynamic eq "static") { $reindex = 1; } if ($reindex eq 1) { # If any files not available, err on side of caution and reindex for my $file (keys %files) { -f $file or do { $reindex++; delete $files{$file} }; } for my $other (keys %others) { -f $other or do { $reindex++; delete $others{$other} }; } find( sub { my $d; my $curr_depth = $File::Find::dir =~ tr[/][]; # if ( $blosxom::depth and $curr_depth > $blosxom::depth ) { # # We are beyond depth, so remove files # $files{$File::Find::name} and delete $files{$File::Find::name}; # $others{$File::Find::name} and delete $others{$File::Find::name}; # return; #} # Adding support for %others if ( $File::Find::name =~ m!^$blosxom::datadir/(?:(.*)/)?(.+)\.$blosxom::file_extension$! and $2 ne 'index' and $2 !~ /^\./ and (-r $File::Find::name) ) { # SAS modified so if meta-creation_date or file timestamp are in the future # and we don't want future entries the file won't be included in the file list # the index list if (!$blosxom::show_future_entries and ((extract_date($File::Find::name, $files{$File::Find::name}) > time) or (stat($File::Find::name)->mtime > time))) { $files{$File::Find::name} and delete $files{$File::Find::name}; $others{$File::Find::name} and delete $others{$File::Find::name}; } else { ( $files{$File::Find::name} || ++$reindex ) and ( $files{$File::Find::name} = extract_date($File::Find::name,$files{$File::Find::name}) || $files{$File::Find::name} || stat($File::Find::name)->mtime ) # Static and ( param('-all') or !-f "$blosxom::static_dir/$1/index." . $blosxom::static_flavours[0] # or stat("$blosxom::static_dir/$1/index." . $blosxom::static_flavours[0])->mtime < stat($File::Find::name)->mtime # Trying to fix for static mode or stat("$blosxom::static_dir/$1/index." . $blosxom::static_flavours[0])->mtime < $files{$File::Find::name} ) and $indexes{$1} = 1 and $d = join('/', (blosxom::nice_date($files{$File::Find::name}))[5,2,3]) and $indexes{$d} = $d and $blosxom::static_entries and $indexes{ ($1 ? "$1/" : '') . "$2.$blosxom::file_extension" } = 1; } } else { !-d $File::Find::name and -r $File::Find::name and $others{$File::Find::name} = stat($File::Find::name)->mtime } }, $blosxom::datadir ); if ( $reindex ) { # The index was recreated, so we should record the new version if ( open ENTRIES, "> $indexname" ) { foreach (sort keys %files) { print ENTRIES "$_=>$files{$_}\n"; } close ENTRIES; } else { warn "couldn't > $indexname: $!\n"; } if ( open ENTRIES, "> $others_indexname" ) { foreach (sort keys %others) { print ENTRIES "$_=>$others{$_}\n"; } close ENTRIES; } else { warn "couldn't > $others_indexname: $!\n"; } } } return (\%files, \%indexes, \%others); } } sub extract_date { my ($file, $indexed_date) = @_; my $new_story = ""; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst); warn "Entries_Cache: Checking $file for meta-tag\n\tComparing to $indexed_date\n" if ($debug == 1); # This is an attempt for compatibility with Eric Sherman's entries_index_tagged # But it does not handle as many date formats, as there are too many additional # necessary modules that I am not willing to require if ( $use_date_tags != 0) { open (FILE, $file); $line = <FILE>; # Read first line ( ie the title) $new_story .= $line; # now, parse the story, and try to correct misformatted stories while ($line = <FILE>) { if ($line =~ /^$meta_timestamp\s*(\d+)/) { # If present, this format is used close File; $result = $1; warn "Entries_Cache: Found meta_timestamp $result for $file\n" if ($debug == 1); return $result; } if ($line =~ /^$meta_date\s*(.*)/) { close File; $result = $1; warn "Entries_Cache: Found meta-date $result for $file\n" if ($debug == 1); return parsedate($result); } if ( $line !~ /^meta.*?:/i) { # line doesn't start with meta... (ie story was not formatted # for meta-tags), or the meta-tags are finished if ($update_meta_date eq 1) { # Don't mess with stories unless using UNIX line endings. if (($line =~ /\r/) || ($new_story =~ /\r/)) { warn "Entries_Cache: File $file has non-UNIX line endings; cannot update metatags...\n"; return 0; } warn "Entries_Cache: Updating meta-tag for $file\n" if ($debug == 1); if ($indexed_date eq 0 || $indexed_date == "") { $indexed_date = stat($file)->mtime; warn "Entries_Cache: No date for $file, using $indexed_date\n" if ($debug == 1); } ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($indexed_date); $year += 1900; $mon += 1; $hour = sprintf("%02d",$hour); $min = sprintf("%02d",$min); $sec = sprintf("%02d",$sec); warn "Entries_Cache: Adding meta-tag to $file, using $meta_date $mday/$mon/$year $hour:$min:$sec\n" if ($debug == 1); if ($use_UK_dates eq 1) { $new_story .= "$meta_date $mday/$mon/$year $hour:$min:$sec\n\n"; } else { $new_story .= "$meta_date $mon/$mday/$year $hour:$min:$sec\n\n"; } if ( $line !~ /^\s*$/) { # If this line wasn't empty, then add it to story $new_story .= $line; } while ($line = <FILE>) { # read remainder of story $new_story .= $line; } close FILE; open (FILE, "> $file") or warn "Unable to update date meta-tag on $file\n"; print FILE $new_story; close FILE; return 0; } else { close File; return 0; } } $new_story .= $line; } } return 0; } sub parsedate { my ($datestring) = @_; #warn "Parsing $datestring\n"; # Possible formatting # Month can be 3 letter abbreviation or full name (in English) # Time must be hh:mm or hh:mm:ss in 24 hour format # Year must be yyyy # The remaining 1 or 2 digits are treated as date # ie: May 25 2003 18:40 # order is not important as long as pieces are there # Convert the datestring to a time() format # Find "Shorthand" Date if ( $datestring =~ /\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d\d?\d?/) { if ( $use_UK_dates eq 0) { # Use US Formatting $datestring =~ s/(\d\d?)\/(\d\d?)\/(\d\d\d?\d?)//; $mon = $1 - 1; $day = $2; $year = $3; } else { # Use UK Formatting $datestring =~ s/(\d\d?)\/(\d\d?)\/(\d\d\d?\d?)//; $mon = $2 - 1; $day = $1; $year = $3; } # Now, clean up year if 2 digit # You may change the 70 to whatever cutoff you like $year += 2000 if ($year < 70 ); $year += 1900 if ($year < 100); } # Find Month $mon = 0 if ($datestring =~ s/(Jan|January)//i); $mon = 1 if ($datestring =~ s/(Feb|February)//i); $mon = 2 if ($datestring =~ s/(Mar|March)//i); $mon = 3 if ($datestring =~ s/(Apr|April)//i); $mon = 4 if ($datestring =~ s/(May)//i); $mon = 5 if ($datestring =~ s/(Jun|June)//i); $mon = 6 if ($datestring =~ s/(Jul|July)//i); $mon = 7 if ($datestring =~ s/(Aug|August)//i); $mon = 8 if ($datestring =~ s/(Sep|September)//i); $mon = 9 if ($datestring =~ s/(Oct|October)//i); $mon = 10 if ($datestring =~ s/(Nov|November)//i); $mon = 11 if ($datestring =~ s/(Dec|December)//i); # Find Time if ($datestring =~ s/(\d\d?):(\d\d)(:\d\d)?//) { $hour = $1; $min = $2; $sec = $3; } if ($datestring =~ s/(\d\d\d\d)//) { $year = $1; } if ($datestring =~ s/(\d\d?)//) { $day = $1; } return timelocal($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year); } sub story { return 1 if (! $strip_meta_dates); # This code based on Rael's meta plugin my($pkg, $path, $filename, $story_ref, $title_ref, $body_ref) = @_; # Strip date-based meta tags from body $$body_ref =~ s/^$meta_timestamp.*//g; $$body_ref =~ s/^$meta_date.*//g; return 1; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Blosxom Plug-in: entries_cache =head1 SYNOPSIS Purpose: This plugin reserves original creation timestamp on weblog entries, allowing for editing of entries without altering the original creation time. It maintains an index ($blosxom::plugin_state_dir/ .entries_cache.index) of filenames and their creation times. It also adds new entries to the index the first time Blosxom come across them. In addition, it is possible to rely on entries_cache inserting date-based meta tags automatically into entries - this is enabled by the $use_date_tags setting. This makes the entries more portable. Note that if this approach is used, the meta plugin is required: http://www.blosxom.com/downloads/ plugins/meta. (NOTE: As of version 0.91 you can use this without the meta plugin.) Replaces the default $blosxom::entries subroutine The entries_cache plugin is a "souped-up" version of the entries_index plugin. It maintains file modification times in the same manner as the original plugin, but goes one-step further. It uses the modification time of the index file to determine whether to rescan the datadir. If $delay minutes have not passed, it relies on the cached information. You can force a manual scan by appending ?reindex=y to the end of your base url. The reason for this change is that the original blosxom and the entries_index plugin rescan the datadir each time a page is viewed. This plugin allows you to cache the information to speed up processing times on most page views. According to several posts on the blosxom mailing list, this is one of the big processor hogs. With a $delay setting of 60 minutes, there will only be one page view each hour that has to wait for the full directory scan. To be honest, I have not noticed much of a speed boost during my testing yet, but I imagine it would only appear for sites with a large number of files to be indexed. =head1 VERSION 0.92 =head1 VERSION HISTORY 0.92 Checks if meta-creation_date is in the future and only displays entry if $show_future_entries is set. Otherwise future articles (by meta-creation_date or file modified time) are not displayed. Don't think this breaks static rendering... haven't tested it. 0.91 Improved documentation courtesy of Iain Cheyne - THANKS!!! Now, if you are not running the meta plugin, you will not see any meta tags in your stories 0.9 Added parser that detects stories that are not properly formatted for meta-tags and reformats them so that they are. Additionally, it will not update files that have improper line endings ( ie non-UNIX endings). 0.8 Fixed typo that caused index to be rebuilt every time... :) 0.7 Major revisions - fixed the "Year 1900" bug and an issue with statically generated blogs misbehaving 0.61 Fixed bug reading old styled cache files 0.6 Added feature to automatically create meta-tags from indexed time/date 0.52 Fixed a bug where a new index might not be written 0.51 Added dd/mm/yy(yy) and mm/dd/yy(yy) date formatting 0.5 Complete rewrite - add support for %others, meta- tags, added backwards compatibility to using the .entries_index.index file from rael's plugin 0.2 Removed reliance on Data::Dumper, making it suitable for use on Earthlink =head1 AUTHOR Fletcher T. Penney Modified by Steve Schwarz based on original code by: Rael Dornfest <rael@oreilly.com>, http://www.raelity.org/ =head1 SEE ALSO Blosxom Home/Docs/Licensing: http://www.raelity.org/apps/blosxom/ Blosxom Plugin Docs: http://www.raelity.org/apps/blosxom/plugin.shtml =head1 BUGS Address bug reports and comments to the Blosxom mailing list [http://www.yahoogroups.com/group/blosxom]. =head1 LICENSE entries_cache plugin Copyright 2003, Fletcher Penney except for portions copied from entries_index and entries_index_tagged Blosxom and original entries_index plugin Copyright 2003, Rael Dornfest Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.